Whatever your deposition workflow needs,
we've got you covered.
Up to 10 users
$199/month + processing
Certified transcript: $0.10/page
Deposition video (includes certified transcript sync): $0.25/min
Export video clips for trial presentation: $0.25/min
Custom subdomain, e.g., “yourcompanyname.threadeo.com”
Unlimited page:lines (objections, issue codes, highlights, notes)
Unlimited collaborators
Unlimited pleadings
Compile page:lines from across multiple videos into a single report
Caption files in SRT, VTT, SMI formats for deposition videos
Detailed usage reports
Priority email support
Perfect for companies serving the legal, HR, and compliance sectors
Typically 50+ users
Custom pricing
Certified transcript
Deposition video (includes certified transcript sync)
Export video clips for trial presentation
All Teams features, plus: