As a conference producer, you know that high-quality content is critical to the success of your conference. And that producing such content isn’t easy.
High-quality content includes developing the right themes, attracting the speakers and panelists best suited for those themes, providing advance guidance to these speakers, and then watching the magic happen onstage.
It’s a lot of work. And you rightly want to get the most out of your investment.
Moreover, as a conference producer, you’re thinking not only in terms of the conference you’re producing today, but also the next one. You’re thinking about building your brand. And since conference are an “experience”, the best way to give prospective sponsors and attendees a feel for what they can expect at your next conference is to give them the most valuable highlights from the one you’re producing today.
That’s where Threadeo comes in. We enable you to take your best assets — the content generated through your conference’s keynotes, panel discussions, & breakout sessions — quickly identify the most valuable pieces within each individual session, clip them, and share via social media, YouTube, or your own website.
You might say that you can do that right now. Which is true, except it means having to listen to every single minute of every session just to identify the highlights, figure out key start and end timestamps for each highlight, and then create clips for those highlights. Oh, and if you’re on social media, you’ll need closed captions too, so that your audience can view them without having to turn on the volume.
This approach, the old approach, makes conference post-production almost as time-consuming as the main event itself.
Compare that with the new approach: Threadeo. Here’s how it works:
– You add every video or audio file from your conference session into your own secure account.
– Our advanced AI-powered technology generates a highly accurate and readable transcript for each video. And closed captions as well.
– Instead of watching the video, your team quickly reads through the transcript to find highlights.
– When you see a highlight, you literally highlight the transcript text to create a clip.
– Click “Download” on the clip to receive a ZIP file containing the video file for that clip, a corresponding audio file (great for marketing via podcasts or radio), and a full suite of transcripts and closed captions for that clip.
– Repeat as needed for all clips.
If you had to do this today, it would probably take you several days, multiple people, and multiple tools to put this all together. With Threadeo, you can do this by yourself, within minutes, within a single platform.
And that opens up new opportunities. Have you thought of monetizing your most valuable content? Perhaps syndicating it? Or putting it behind a paywall for Premium members? Wouldn’t it be nice to have recurring revenue off of content you have already produced, and reach a much wider audience in the process?
With Threadeo, the possibilities are endless. And you can start exploring them right now.
Learn more in this short video: